Windows has blocked some startup programs
Q: In Windows Vista, I’m now seeing a small window appearing at the screen’s bottom-right corner saying, “Windows has blocked some startup programs.”
How do I get rid of this message?
A: You’re seeing yet another annoying Windows Vista feature. When you try to run some programs, Vista’s User Account Control (UAC) normally steps in, asking if you’re sure you want to run the program. (UAC is a safety mechanism that I cover in Windows Vista For Dummies.)
The message you’re now seeing means that one of your recently installed programs needs your click of approval. However, that particular program is trying to run as soon as you log onto your account. Since UAC doesn’t have time to step in, Windows simply stops the program from running, and sends you the message.
To stop the message, follow these steps: Click to read more »
Posted: February 10th, 2010 under Error message, Safety, Windows Vista.
Tags: startup program, UAC, User Account Control, Windows has blocked some startup programs
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