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Changing a computer’s workgroup name

Q: How can I change my computer’s workgroup name so it matches my Windows 7 computer’s workgroup name?

A: When linking several computers to create a home network, it’s important for them all to share the same workgroup name. A workgroup name lets computers know which computers they’re allowed to recognize for exchanging information.

Fortunately, the workgroup name of “WORKGROUP”  has been standard for Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP Professional. Unfortunately, Microsoft gave Windows XP Home computers the workgroup name of MSHOME, so you should change it to WORKGROUP. If you’re using Windows XP Home — or if you want to change any Windows computer’s workgroup name to WORKGROUP — follow these steps: Click to read more »

Disabling the Caps Lock key

Q: I keep hitting the Caps Lock key inadvertently, which messes up my typing. Is there a way to disable it?

A: The simplest way to disable the Caps Lock key is to whittle down a small wine cork or pencil eraser, and slide it beneath the key so it can’t be pressed. A small piece of folded cardboard might work, as well.

It’s a simple trick that’s worked well for me. That said, you can find some programs to disable the Caps Lock key on the Internet.

Turning off digital signatures in Windows Live Mail

Windows Live Mail Safety OptionsQ: I use Windows Live Mail for e-mail. When people using Outlook Express (and perhaps other programs as well) try to reply to my messages they see the following error message:

“You cannot send digitally signed messages because you do not have a digital ID for this account.”

I can turn off the digital signatures for one email at a time but I’d love to get this thing turned off permanently.

A: Digitally signed messages rely on mathematical formulas to deliver e-mail securely. The digital signature lets both recipients and senders know that their messages haven’t been changed since leaving an Outbox and arriving in an Inbox. But casual correspondence rarely requires that level of security, making digital signatures a problem both for the senders and recipients.

To keep Windows Live Mail from adding a digital signature to each of your messages, follow these steps: Click to read more »

What’s the difference between a System Recovery disc and Windows 7’s System Repair disc?

System Repair DiscQ: What’s the difference between a “System Recovery” disc and a “System Repair” disc?

A: Your computer’s System Recovery Discs and Windows 7’s System Repair Disc are both designed for getting you out of emergencies by fixing your PC’s problems. However, the two types of discs accomplish this in very different ways. (They’re also both completely different from a System Image disc and Windows 8’s new Recovery Drive.)

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Choosing your own photos for Windows 7’s screensaver

New FolderQ: I’d like to pick different pictures, from different folders, to use as screen savers in my Windows 7 PC.

On my old Windows XP computer, I could use my grandsons’ pictures as screen savers. Although Windows 7 offers beautiful screen savers, I’d still like to have my grandsons’ photos, instead.

A: When you set Windows 7’s screen saver to display “Photos,” the  screen saver normally presents a slideshow of every photo in your Pictures library. Unlike Windows Vista, Windows 7 doesn’t offer a way to select different photos from different folders.

So, your solution is to create a new folder within your Pictures folder. Name that folder Screen Saver Photos, for example, and copy your desired screen saver photos into it. Then tell Windows 7’s screen saver program to only display photos from inside that folder. Here’s  how to do it: Click to read more »