People with Administrator or Limited accounts usually have no problem connecting to the Internet through a dial-up modem. But when Guest account users sit down at that same computer and try to connect to the Internet, Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 refuses to let them. What gives?
It’s a security measure built-in to Windows, unfortunately, and it works like this: The Guest account can use an existing connection to connect to the Internet. But Windows’ security restrictions forbid Guest account users from starting or disconnecting an Internet connection.
This problem doesn’t affect every computer. If you access the Internet through a cable or DSL account, for instance, your Internet connection is always “turned on,” even if it’s not being currently accessed. That lets Guest account users surf the Web without problem.
Guest account users accessing the Internet through a wired networked computer usually won’t have a problem. But if you have a wireless network connection, log on with another account to make sure the wireless link is up and running; some wireless accounts go dormant if unused, leaving the Guest account unable to reconnect.
But if you access the Internet through a dial-up modem, your baby sitter won’t be able to log on through the Guest account to check for e-mail.
There’s a solution for Windows XP, but it’s a bit awkward. First, download and run this program from Kelly’s Korner Web site. You only need to run that program once. Then, follow these steps when you want to allow the Guest account to access the Internet:
- Enable “Fast User Switching” on Windows XP.
- Connect to the Internet using your Administrator or Limited account.
- Use Fast User Switching to log onto the Guest account.
Fast User Switching is described in pages 248-249 of Windows XP For Dummies.
The most awkward problem with this solution? Most dial-up Internet Service Providers usually drop the connection if it hasn’t been used for a certain amount of time. Unless your babysitter stays in front of your computer soon after you leave, your ISP will disconnect your connection.
But if your kids log on through the Guest account and you’ll be home to reconnect to the Internet if necessary, this might be the only solution you need.