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Where’s the Clipboard Viewer in Windows XP?

Clipboard ViewerFor some reason, Windows XP messed up the Clipboard Viewer. It’s barely listed on the Help menus, and it isn’t installed automatically when you upgrade to Windows XP. Even when you tell Windows to install it from its CD, it doesn’t put a Clipboard Viewer icon on the menu. And that’s a shame, as the viewer is a handy way to see exactly what’s on your clipboard.

Windows XP’s Clipboard Viewer is called the “Clipbook Viewer,” and although flawed, it lets you see what’s on your Clipboard. Here’s how to put Windows XP’s Clipbook Viewer onto your Start menu: Click to read more »

Stopping files from being marked “read only” when copied from CD

Read-OnlyWhen you write a file to CD, Windows flips an invisible switch on the file that makes it “Read Only.” That’s because files on a CD can’t be changed: They’re permanently etched onto a plastic container, a handy way to keep them safely backed up and free of changes.

Unfortunately, when you copy that file back to your PC’s hard drive, Windows doesn’t automatically turn off that “Read Only” switch. And since the file is still marked as “Read Only,” Windows stops  you from saving any new changes or updates.

To turn off the “Read Only” switch yourself, follow these steps. Click to read more »

Removing spyware from your PC

Many PCs today are full of spyware — programs that lodge themselves inside your PC, spy on your Web surfing, and usually cause problems in the process.

Some just slow down your PC; others place targeted ads, pornography and pop-ups on your PC — sometimes ads appear even when you’re not even online.

Fortunately, three free programs make spyware fairly easy to clean off your PC.  Here’s how to remove spyware from your PC: Click to read more »

Printing small portions of a document or Web page

Printing just a few pages of a long document.Q: I often write long items which can be up to 30 pages in length.  My problem comes when I have printed this off, then find I have to edit the last few pages. Up to now I wind up printing the whole 30 pages. Is it possible to only print the last few pages — the part with the newly edited text — and not the complete item?

A: Almost every program lets you print just the page or pages you want — not the entire document.

The key lies hidden in the Print dialog box, shown below, which appears when you click a program’s File menu and choose Print. Click to read more »

Putting the On/Off button back on Windows Vista’s Log On screen

Windows Vista’s log-on screen, also known as the Welcome screen, lets you log onto your user account and begin working. Shown below, the log-on screen normally shows the red On/Off button in the bottom right corner, and the blue Accessibility options icon on the bottom left corner.

Windows Vista Log On ScreenOccasionally, though, you’ll notice the red On/Off button has disappeared from the log-on screen, leaving you no way to turn off your PC. What gives? Click to read more »