Tag: Microsoft Works
Setting a default font in Microsoft Works
Q: When using Microsoft Works on my old computer, I could change the font and text color, save it, and it would be there for the rest of my letters. On my new computer, I can’t seem to find a way to keep my selected font for new letters. How do I save the font […]
Posted: April 12th, 2010 under Software.
Tags: default font, Microsoft Works, templates
Comments: 11
Where are my spreadsheet tabs in Microsoft Works Spreadsheet?
Q: I can’t find the tabs along the bottom of my Microsoft Works spreadsheet for switching between different spreadsheets. How do I turn them on? A: It sounds like you’re confusing Microsoft Works’ spreadsheet with its more powerful cousin, Microsoft Excel. Although both spreadsheets look similar on the surface, Microsoft Works’ spreadsheet has a major […]
Posted: November 10th, 2009 under Free software.
Tags: Excel, Microsoft Works, multiple tabs, Spreadsheet
Comments: none