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Archive for 'Windows 7'

When photo thumbnails turn to a generic ocean illustration…

Q: When I opened my Pictures folder today in Windows 7, I could no longer see thumbnails of my photos. Instead, each thumbnail showed a generic illustration of an ocean view. What on earth did I do, and how do I see thumbnails of my actual photos? A: It sounds like you may have used […]

I can’t send a Web page through Windows Live Mail!

Q: I can’t send a web page through Windows Live Mail. On Internet Explorer 8’s Page menu, the “Send Page by E-mail” and “Send Link by E-mail” options are both “grayed out,” and I can’t choose them. Help! A: Windows 7 lacks an e-mail program, an inconvenience Microsoft tries to remedy by letting people download […]

Keyboard shortcuts in Windows 7’s WordPad

Most people begin computing by poking their way through menus, picking and choosing tasks as they stumble across them. When you’ve worked with a program for awhile, you might prefer learning a few keyboard shortcuts: quick key combinations that perform tasks faster than you can click a menu. Windows 7 offers zillions of keyboard shortcuts; […]

Filling, fitting, stretching, tiling or centering your desktop background

Q: On page 214 of Windows 7 for Dummies, you mention how “to fill in, fit, stretch, tile, or center” the desktop wallpaper, but I cannot find out where you explain the difference. It was so easy to do in Windows XP. Also, Windows XP’s screensaver could put my photos on rotation, with their file […]

Managing disk space by deleting one partition and expanding another

Q: My 250 GB hard disk has two partitions: one-third of the drive is the C: partition, the other two-thirds is on the D: partition. I’d like to delete my empty D:  partition, and expand the C: partition to fill the entire 250 GB of space. How do I do this? Do I need a […]