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Archive for 'Windows 7'

Cropping photos in Windows 7’s Paint

Q: In Windows XP’s Paint program, you could select the little square box at the top, and then crop around the photo like you wanted. Can that be done in Windows 7? I can’t figure out how to do it in Windows 7’s Photo Viewer. A: Yes, you can crop photos in Windows 7 using […]

Retrieving an accidentally uninstalled desktop gadget

Q: I accidentally uninstalled the Slide Show gadget in Windows 7, and now the Slide Show gadget is gone. Where did it go, and how do I get it back? A: Windows 7 offers several “gadgets” — small programs you can embed atop your desktop. One gadget displays a clock, for example; another displays a […]

When your own name is misspelled in Windows Live Mail

Q: I am about to tear my hair out! I’ve nagged the techs who set up this computer until they duck and run. My email name is spelled wrong, and I can’t get it changed on my outgoing emails. HELP! A: When you’ve accidentally misspelled your own name in your e-mail program, how do you […]

Fixing pesky Windows Updates that refuse to install

Q: Windows Update says three important updates are available. But the downloads always fail, leaving an error code of 646. I’m frustrated. Can I simply delete those updates? If they never install, what’s the point of my computer continually reminding me that they are available for downloading? What do you recommend? A: Some updates not […]

How do I open Desktop icons with a single click?

Q: I am unable to use a single click to open a desktop icon. Can you help please? A: Windows 7’s desktop icons traditionally require a double-click to open. A single-click does the trick on the Start menu and Taskbar, but the Desktop wants that extra effort of a double-click. But if you don’t like […]