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Archive for 'Windows Vista'

Fixing pesky Windows Updates that refuse to install

Q: Windows Update says three important updates are available. But the downloads always fail, leaving an error code of 646. I’m frustrated. Can I simply delete those updates? If they never install, what’s the point of my computer continually reminding me that they are available for downloading? What do you recommend? A: Some updates not […]

Why does my hard drive drag down my Windows Experience Index score?

Q: When buying a new Hewlett Packard computer online, I customized it for the most power. But my Windows Experience Index shows only 5.9, with my weak link being my hard disk transfer speed. I’m really disappointed. How much stock should I put into Windows rankings? Can I do better by replacing my current hard […]

Running Adobe Flash and Adobe Reader in a 64-bit version of Windows

Q: Is there a way to download Acrobat Flash Player and Acrobat Reader to my 64-bit version of Windows?  If I can’t use those programs on my 64-bit version of Windows, can I change my Windows version to 32-bit? A: Windows comes in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Your 64-bit version of Windows can download […]

Sharing any Windows Vista folder on your network

How to share any folder on a Windows Vista network.

Taking screenshots in any version of Windows

Q: I am running Windows 7 Home, and I need to print screen shots. The Print Screen button doesn’t work. What am I doing wrong? A: When you press the Print Screen key, usually labeled “Prt Scr,” “Print Scr,” “PrtSc” or something similar, you won’t think anything has happened. It certainly won’t send your screen […]