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Archive for 'Windows XP'

How do I add Bluetooth to my PC?

Q: I bought a Rocketfish bluetooth wireless mouse, and it didn’t come with a receiver to plug into the computer. I read on the back, and it said I needed a Bluetooth-enabled computer. Is there anything I can buy to make my computer Bluetooth-enabled, like a receiver or something? A: A group of companies created […]

Adding a second PC to a wireless network

Q: I have a desktop PC in Windows XP Professional. I bought a laptop with Windows Vista. Can both computers use my same wireless router to connect to the Internet? A: Yes, you can use the same wireless router with both your old desktop PC and your new Acer laptop. Routers don’t care what operating […]

Where’s the Clipboard Viewer in Windows XP?

For some reason, Windows XP messed up the Clipboard Viewer. It’s barely listed on the Help menus, and it isn’t installed automatically when you upgrade to Windows XP. Even when you tell Windows to install it from its CD, it doesn’t put a Clipboard Viewer icon on the menu. And that’s a shame, as the […]

Stopping files from being marked “read only” when copied from CD

When you write a file to CD, Windows flips an invisible switch on the file that makes it “Read Only.” That’s because files on a CD can’t be changed: They’re permanently etched onto a plastic container, a handy way to keep them safely backed up and free of changes. Unfortunately, when you copy that file back to your […]

Removing spyware from your PC

Many PCs today are full of spyware — programs that lodge themselves inside your PC, spy on your Web surfing, and usually cause problems in the process. Some just slow down your PC; others place targeted ads, pornography and pop-ups on your PC — sometimes ads appear even when you’re not even online. Fortunately, three […]