Archive for 'Email'
Windows Live Mail keeps changing my apostrophes and quotes into weird symbols!
When you type an apostrophe or a quotation mark, yet your e-mail recipient sees a foreign character, instead.
Posted: April 11th, 2011 under Email.
Tags: apostrophe, foreign character, greek, quotation marks, quotes, smart quotes, weird symbols, windows live mail
Comments: 15
Shrinking or resizing a photo and e-mailing it in Windows 7
Q: It used to be easy to resize a photo and e-mail it in Windows 7. Windows Live Mail no longer offers that option. How am I supposed to shrink or resize a photo before I e-mail it? A: The latest version of Windows Live Mail is the culprit here, and I’ll explain why. Most […]
Posted: January 31st, 2011 under Email, Windows 7, Windows 7 for Dummies.
Tags: avoid skydrive, resize photo for e-mail, resize photos, resizing photos for e-mail, SkyDrive, windows live mail
Comments: 18
What happened to Windows Live Mail and SkyDrive?
Q: I tried to find out how to attach a document to an email in your book. I followed the steps, but my email instantly changed to a “SkyDrive photo album.” I’m trying to attach scanned documents, not photos. Your book doesn’t address any of this, and it doesn’t even mention SkyDrive. What’s wrong? A: […]
Posted: December 27th, 2010 under Email, Software, Windows 7 for Dummies.
Tags: attach photo, photo email, SkyDrive, slide show, slideshow, windows live mail
Comments: 1
When your own name is misspelled in Windows Live Mail
Q: I am about to tear my hair out! I’ve nagged the techs who set up this computer until they duck and run. My email name is spelled wrong, and I can’t get it changed on my outgoing emails. HELP! A: When you’ve accidentally misspelled your own name in your e-mail program, how do you […]
Posted: October 25th, 2010 under Email, Free software, Software, Windows 7, Windows 7 for Dummies.
Tags: changing e-mail name, fixing e-mail name, misspelled name, windows live mail
Comments: 2
Internet Explorer won’t let me send pages or links by e-mail!
Q: On Internet Explorer 8’s Page menu, the “Send Page by E-mail” and “Send Link by E-mail” options are both “grayed out,” and I can’t choose them. I normally log onto a Web site to send and receive my e-mail. A: Windows 7 lacks an e-mail program, which causes more than a few problems. Microsoft […]
Posted: March 1st, 2010 under Email, Free software, Internet.
Tags: e-mail, grayed out, greyed out, Internet Explorer 8, Send Link by E-mail, Send Page by E-mail, web-based e-mail
Comments: 3